It has been hard to miss the news reports of the devastating floods that have ravaged Pakistan in the last few weeks. United Nations are declaring it the
worst humanitarian crisis in recent history with more people being affected than in the Indian Ocean tsunami and recent Kashmir and Haiti earthquakes combined!
The first wave of deaths resulting from the floods themselves stands at
1,384. However, Pakistan's problem are set to get worse as now
3.5 - 6 million people do not have access to clean water
and/or are at risk of contracting deadly water-borne diseases such as diarrhoea and cholera.
WaterAid is helping. WaterAid have already released funds that will primarily provide relief focusing on drinking water, sanitation and hygiene services; and secondarily will continue efforts towards rehabilitation of drinking water sources, hygiene and sanitation facilities. WaterAid are currently supporting local partners in the following activities:
# Hygiene kits
# Dissemination of Information, Education and Communication (IEC) material
# Drinking water tankering
# Drinking water quality testing
# Emergency water purification and hydration
# Assesment and rehabilitation of dinking water supply schemes
For more information, please
see what Wateraid is doing for Pakistan.
There is really no better time than NOW to support WaterAid.
Help WaterAid help Pakistan.
Thank you
- Anders and TastyTrek
Pakistan Floods Facts and Figures